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Our Association

Brenda Park was established in 1967 by the Sobey Brothers. As the owners of the land at the time they created 114
‘shack’ allotments. These were set up as lease hold divisions. The leases were over a 999 year lease and therefore
making it as close to freehold property as possible.

In 1967 Brenda Park Leaseholders Incorporated was formed and negotiated and purchased the freehold titles to
the Brenda Park area including the roadways. There are essentially 4 parcels of land in Brenda Park that make up
the total area. These are freehold and owned by the association. Then the individual leases their portion of land on
a 999 year lease off the association. The association is made up of Brenda Park leaseholders. So essentially, you are
leasing your shack off your own association that owns the four freehold titles. These four regions are broken down
as, Brenda Park North, Brenda Park North Central, Brenda Park South and Brenda Park South Central.

As you have purchased a registered lease, there is within the lease agreement certain rules and regulations that
you may need to be aware of. The most important conditions to be aware of is that all lease holders pay association
fees set at the AGM each year and charged by the association in order to maintain the area, upkeep and

Each leaseholder has the right to enjoy their area uninterruptedly and peacefully and without imposing on other
areas without consent.  

The Brenda Park Leaseholders have an Annual General Meeting each year in which a committee is elected for the
following year and the committee then meets Bi-monthly after this to continue with the running of the association.

We encourage you to attend the AGM if you would like to have input into your area and we would like to make you
welcome and remind you that the association is your representing body that essentially you are a part owner of.  

To further stay up to date with events and notifications we also encourage Leaseholders to join the Brenda Park
Leaseholders Facebook page at:

If you have any questions or would like to know more information about your area please contact the association via one of your Committee members who will be happy to assist.

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